“Sharing the future, our commitment to sustainability”


At Magnesitas Navarras our approach to sustainability is defined under the slogan “Sharing the FUTURE”, serving to express the way we work, taking into account the impact of our operations and the full corporate commitment to the natural environment, to the areas in which we operate and to the local communities.

With a history dating back more than 70 years and by adopting an integrated approach to sustainability, we aim to be the best example of corporate citizenship:

  • We are an industrial engine of growth, generating wealth and well-being for the valleys in which we work, contributing decisively to their progress.
  • We have a strong, ongoing commitment to R&D&i in our processes and products.
  • We are working towards minimising our environmental impact through our Energy Efficiency System and Environmental Management System in place at our factory. We are also applying the best available techniques to guarantee the optimal environmental restoration and reinstatement in order to ensure the best environmental legacy for future generations.